
square with Our Lord's teaching in any way nor can I accept St. Paul's declarations as authoritative but feel it only serves to point up the confusion that is apparent in his thinking as he wrote the Epistles that bear his name. That he was sincere and thought-provoking abundantly clear, but it too must be remembered that he was a product, socially and morally speaking of his times. The most I can say is that St. Paul is speaking TO the Christian Church, not FOR it and as such has the right to be heard but not necessarily to be accepted on a par with the highest authority, for whom he so completely gave of his life and vitality.

Let the homosexual reader take new courage that his lot is not one akin to that of thieves and cutthroats, that he can look to the source of all inspiration and encouragement, compassion and mercy and find there in company with all who seek Him, new goals for the very abilities and talents that have made homosexuals in every age, crucibles for understanding, compassionate self-giving and who have to


a very marked degree dedicated their lives to the very society that would condemn them, in the hope that some newer, greater understanding might develop among men and nations; little by little progress is being made, and we can only hope that we in our turn leave this world the richer for our having been here. The ills that plague the homosexual torment the hetersexual too, to the same degrees. One's sexual inclinations do not predetermine one's acceptance or rejection by God, only the use we make of our sexual inclinations. One may be promiscuous in any human relationship and hence to classify homosexuality among the immoralities of mankind is to admit of positive ignorance. Simply allow me to close with a thought of Dr. Eric Fromm's, from his "The Art of Loving," a must for all the "gay" set.

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence."

"-a love that is the compound of maturity, self-knowledge, and courage."

1954 March & April....


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